Þá er það hinn árlegi blús eftir Júróvision. Sama spælingin all over again og Eiki sem stóð sig svo vel að maður táraðist! Það er víst pólitík í þessu eins og öllu þessa dagana. Ég ræð hins vegar ekki við mig, komin með Ungverska blúsinn á heilann, lang, lang, lang besta lag sem ég hef heyrt í langan tíma. Læt textann hér fylgja með ef einhver er í sömu sporum. Syngjum saman inn í nóttina.
How many times have - you fooled me and denied that
It's her whom you love and it sure isn't me?
So now that it's over - I'll try and take it sober
Leave questions unasked, remember us laughing' at the broken past
God, if I could make it on without you
You're such a casual man, oh wavin' an empty hand
I'm helpless and I'm lonely without you
Yes you're a casual man, lendin' an empty hand
Left me breathless with nothing more to lose
I used to dream we'd - take it nice and easy
Get jobs settle down in Jameson Town
If now you could see me - you'd think twice about leavin'
Y' said forever is the time you're gonna spend around
So why did you leave me? And why should I believe it?
Y' said goodbye! Oh why did you leave me? Why?
You're such a casual man, oh wavin' an empty hand
I'm helpless and I'm lonely without you
Casual man, lendin' an empty hand
I'm helpless and I'm lonely without you
You're such a casual man, lendin' an empty hand
Left me breathless with nothing more to lose
Except an evanescent unsubstantial blues...
Flokkur: Bloggar | 10.5.2007 | 22:39 (breytt kl. 22:40) | Facebook
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